Tag Archives: conservative


28 Oct

4th District  Representative: Matthew Shea

15th District Representative: David Taylor and Bruce Chandler

16th District Representative: Mary Edwards

23rd District Representative: Tony Stephens http://www.stephens4statehouse.com

35th District Representative: Dan Griffey http://www.griffey4statehouse.com/

38th District Representative position 1 Sam Wilson http://www.samwilson2012.com/

39th Disctrict Representative position 2: Elizabeth Scott http://elizabeth4state.com/

42nd District Representative position 1: Jason Overstreet

WA state Treasurer:  Sharon Hanek  http://www.sharonhanek.com/

Supreme Court Position #9 : Richard Sanders http://friendsofjustice.com/

Public Lands Commissioner: Clint Didier http://www.clintdidier.org/

US Senate :       Senator Michael Baumgartner

State Auditor: James Watkins

LT Governor: Brad Owens

**LT Governor  I will NOT vote for Bill Finkbeiner, why you ask … well he is endorsed by NARAL http://www.prochoicewashington.org/politicalupdates/voteprochoice.shtml also SEIU

Referendum measure No. 74 :REJECTED

Initiative  Measure 502 (concerning marijuana) : REJECTED because I do not like the way it is written.

Initiative 1185 : YES requires 2/3rd  legislative majorities to pass taxes or receive voter approval.

Initiative 1240 (charter schools) : REJECT this is very badly written as well and takes away local control and gives it to appointed boards.

I live in Washington’s 15th district but put in several other races in other districts where I personally know the candidates and like where they stand on the issues and their stand for liberty.

*Obama’s “Your first time” ad SICK and DEGRADING TO WOMEN

26 Oct

I would just like to say I am appalled at the Obama campaign’s new ad comparing voting for Obama to the first time a girl has sex. How degrading to women everywhere. I think it is a sad commentary on our nation and culture, on the other hand I pray that media like this would wake women up to the real agenda behind people intent on stripping us of freedom. Notice they aren’t talking about the US constitution or the Bill of Rights. No they decided the time would be better spent telling young women their “first time” should be with a man called Obama. Seriously, have we lost all decorum? I pray that women everywhere realize how they are being used by the leftist agenda intent on taking their rights and their dignity. While  the Obama campaign cries “women need more access to abortion(murder) and free birth control”  in the background and with out much press they are passing NDAA National Defense Authorization Act which includes indefinite detention of citizens ( Republican support it as well) which strips both men and women of our most basic fundamental human rights.

Please take time to really research any candidate you give your vote to, your vote is precious and ladies so are you! You are worth way more than these politicians say you are. It is time for women everywhere to say enough is enough. We are STANDING UP AND PUSHING BACK. We want our Constitutional Republic back for our children and our children’s children.

Please take the time to read our founding documents, read the US constitution, your state’s constitution and the Bill Of Rights. Armed with knowledge we are way more dangerous to tyranny in any form. Once again as the 2012 election draws close I pray you make wise and informed choices and above all please pray for our nation, for with God all things are possible.

For God and Country,




23 Oct

Good morning friends. The general election of 2012 is drawing close and I pray we all are using the God given rights we have and are voting. But more than that I pray we are waking up to what we must do in all aspects of our lives. That is we must STAND for what is truly right. No more bowing down to pressure from people telling us “It can’t ever happen in our life time so you might as well compromise” I pray that you and I would grow “TITANIUM SPINES” and that we would realize that one person does make a difference.

The fight for our liberty and freedom is FAR from over. Please do NOT give up no matter what November 6th holds. Neither Presidential candidate is what will save our country, what will save our country is men and women like you waking up to truth and getting involved and activated within your own community.

So take heart and dig in for the long haul. We are in this for our children and our grandchildren. Let us have a vision of a country that turns back to the God given principles it was founded on. Keep that vision in front of you as you look around and start to feel hopeless. WE CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS if we don’t give up.

God Bless,



2 Aug

Sometimes looking at how far down the road to tyranny we have gone as a nation can be overwhelming. But I would like to encourage you by reminding all of us that one person can make a difference. There is a new army of regular people just like you and me. We are freedom loving kids, teens, young adults, moms, dads, grandparents, citizens. Young and old, we are stepping up to the plate to help push back against this robbing of our liberty. I pray that each day you would know how much you mean to our movement. When they call you names you know you are getting to them. Do not back down, no instead PUSH BACK. We are saying enough is enough and we will NOT be told to “sit down, shut up and go along to get along”.  People that tell us this do not understand something fundamental to the liberty movement which is this  “We are not politically motivated, political ambition is NOT why we are involved.” Let me make this VERY clear to those around us who would like to push us down and make us “get in line” WE WILL NOT BOW to pressure to conform. Actually these attacks against what we believe just make our resolve that much more cemented in our core.

My friend Brandon Beckham of REVOLUTION MEDIA recently share this with me  “WE ARE AMERICA’S RESTORATION GENERATION!!”  I truly believe what he said is so true. God has placed Esthers and Daniels among us for SUCH A TIME AS THIS. We need Men and  women who will not bow down to pressure but instead will put God first and will be His hands and feet here on earth, as we do this  earth we will see great and mighty things take place! 

I leave you with this quote by one of my favorite  leaders.

“I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.” Margaret Thatcher

God bless you,



**WA STATE, If you want liberty vote SHAHRAM HADIAN for GOVERNOR**

31 Jul

In WA state we have 2 Republican choices for WA state Governor and I am choosing the only one who has vowed to fight the implementation of Obamacare, his name is Shahram Hadian. http://www.hadian2012.com/. The other candidate Rob Mckenna is ready to move forward and figure out how to implement it. So if you live in WA state I urge you to VOTE for SHAHRAM HADIAN please read Shahram Hadian’s comments on OBAMACARE BELOW

For God and Country,


The comments below are reposted from Shahram Hadian’s blog

Dear Friends,

I am deeply grieved by yesterday’s Supreme Court decision to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare. Not only will this become the single greatest “tax” increase on the middle class in American history, but it is a blatantly unconstitutional and offensive overreach of government. It is the largest expansion of abortion and the most egregious violation of right of conscience and religious freedom in this nation’s history.

This is not the time to shrink back or retreat. It is time to re-double our efforts. We are not only fighting for the fiscal survivability of our state and nation, we are fighting for our constitutional form of government and for the very soul of America.

It is time to remind our federal government and this out of control president that we indeed have 10th Amendment rights and are a sovereign state. As governor, I will join other fiscally conservative, freedom-loving, citizen-defending, courageous governors to rise up against the implementation of this unconstitutional and outrageous law.

I want to be clear, the fight is on. As the next governor, I will invoke our 10th amendment rights and fight tooth and nail in refusing to implement any part of Obamacare. Period.

This is exactly what Governor Butch Otter of Idaho, Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and Governor Bob McDonnell of Virginia have asserted: they refuse to implement Obamacare in their respective states.

This fight is not just about healthcare, it is about violating the foundational principles of our nation and of an entire faith community. I agree with the ACLJ who stated:

“With this decision, the mandate to buy health insurance that covers abortion stands, the abortion surcharge stands, the abortion-pill mandate that violates religious liberty still stands; but we will not stand idly by and let this happen.”

McKenna is Exposed!

In stark contrast, neither of my opponents will protect our state sovereignty. Rep. Inslee’s liberal record speaks for itself.

Attorney General Rob McKenna has said it is “time to move forward”, and wants to move on as if this fight is over. If fact, he now believes that the law should not even be repealed. (Seattle Times(Seattle Times: McKenna opposes repeal of federal healthcare law). Really? The fight is over against the largest tax increase in history, the largest expansion of abortion in history, and the most heinous violation of the right of conscience and religious freedom in America history?

You are wrong Mr. McKenna. The fight is just beginning. If you are not up for the fight, then feel free to exit this race.

Mr. Mckenna has indeed shown his true colors. First he championed himself as the defender of our constitutional rights by signing onto the lawsuit filed by other Attorneys General. Then he said he is only against the individual mandate and actually likes certain provisions of this bill. Now, he is apparently not in the mood to fight against Obamacare at all. Which Rob Mckenna should the voters of this state believe in? Mr. Mckenna, you are no conservative after all, and you and the State Republican Party have misled thousands of members of the grassroots in this state.

To see the glaring differences between myself and the other two candidates for governor on this and other issues, please view our compare and contrast flyer here.

Will you fight this battle with me?

Now is the time for courageous leaders at all levels to stand up for our freedom.

Yesterday’s ruling struck a blow to the heart of our liberty as Americans. I left Iran as a child because of an oppressive incoming government, and now I am witnessing one form here in America, our home. We need courageous governors around the country to stand up for freedom, and to return to our foundational principles, the first being “One Nation Under God.” Reagan said it best when he stated,”When we cease to be a nation under God, we will be a nation gone under.”

As governor, I will not stand idly by and watch our precious freedoms stripped away by an unchecked federal government. As governor, with God’s help and with your support, we will stop Obamacare from being implemented in Washington State.

The choice for governor in this state is now crystal clear. I need you to join me in fighting this battle for our freedoms and stopping Obamacare in the State of Washington.

f you agree with me, please stand with me in this fight, and donate today to my campaign to help me win in the August 7th primary election. Time is short- please consider donating $100, $250, or even $1000 or more today to help me become the next governor and do all that I can to stop Obamacare in WA State.


Shahram Hadian

***Sick of the Compromise*** IT IS TIME TO STAND AND PUSH BACK

29 Jul

I love that people who are compromising their principles for political gain excuse their own compromise by attacking those who are standing up for what is right by  calling them names and pushing them to get in line and compromise along with them. It is too bad and makes me sick to my stomach to hear these men and women excuse away wrong doing and lack of principles as “what we have to do to win”. REALLY?? REALLY?? Who said that we should FLUSH all of our principles and what we stand for just so we can “supposedly win” What are we gaining what exactly are we winning by doing this? To these people calling on us to compromise on basic principles such as LIFE, LIBERTY and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS I have a message for you “WE WILL NOT COMPROMISE”

I am told “Autumn, we know eventually you will mellow out and be like us you just haven’t earned your lesson yet.” Really? well if “learning this lesson” is acting like they are by excusing all sorts or progressive leftist behavior in so called Republican candidates as what we must put up with to win, than I hope I don’t learn from you. I am in this fight for liberty and freedom for my children and my children’s children, I am not in this to be popular or to make everyone happy. What these people do not get is this I am not moved by wanting to “please man” or the good old boys club. I am in this fight for liberty because I see my beautiful Republic the United States of America careening off of the cliff of tyranny and I and many others like me are sick and tired of business as usual and aim to do something about it.

I am looking for men and women with spines of titanium “REAL LEADERS” who are unafraid to STAND UP and fight tyranny not go along to get along. I am looking for leaders like Shahram Hadian http://www.hadian2012.com the only Republican governor candidate who is willing to fight the implementation of OBAMACARE here in WA state http://hadian2012.com/fighting-obamacare Meanwhile his opponents Jay Inslee and Rob McKenna are ready to “move forward” without fighting it. In fact Rob McKenna has said he OPPOSES  repealing OBAMACARE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR5thunZpBg   I am looking for men like WA state Rep David Taylor, Rep Jason Overstreet, Rep Matthew Shea and Rep Brad Klippert who recently came out and endorsed Shahram Hadian instead of the Republican  party favorite Rob McKenna, they came out and endorsed Shahram Hadian knowing they would be under attack for doing so. They did it anyways. Shame on those who have come out and attacked them or have wanted to “punish them” because these 4 men stood up for what they believe is right even though it wasn’t what the party elite wanted them to do.

So to those seeking to have me compromise……I leave you with this quote and I want you to know there are MANY more who feel and believe as I do.

“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” John Quincy Adams


** Autumn Torres 2012 PRIMARY ELECTION PICKS** July 23, 2012

28 Jul

GOVERNOR: Shahram Hadian       http://www.hadian2012.com

Attorney General : Steven Pidgeon  http://www.stephenpidgeon4ag.com

15th District Representative: David Taylor and Bruce Chandler

35th District Representative: Dan Griffey http://www.griffey4statehouse.com/

38th District Representative position 1 Sam Wilson http://www.samwilson2012.com/

39th Disctrict Representative position 2: Elizabeth Scott http://elizabeth4state.com/

WA state Treasurer:  Sharon Hanek (write in candidate) http://www.sharonhanek.com/

US Congress 4th CD : Jamie Wheeler

Sec of State :     Karen Murray   is the only one who opposes mail-in and the ridiculous register anywhere garbage going on.   http://murray4sos.org/

State Supreme Court; Justice:
Position 2 – Scott Stafne
Position 8 – Bruce O. Danielson

Supreme Court Position #9 : Richard Sanders http://friendsofjustice.com/

Public Lands Commissioner: Clint Didier http://www.clintdidier.org/

US Senate :          Dr. Art Coday      http://artcoday.com/

Superintendent of Public Instruction: Ronald Higgins

State Auditor: James Watkins

Insurance Commissioner :Insurance Commissioner – Scott Reilly

And here are some local county candidates not from my town that I am really impressed with and would vote for them if I could. Just like the representative candidates Sam Wilson and Elizabeth Scott are not in my district but I would vote for them if I was.

Mason County Commissioner: Travis Couture http://www.traviscouture.com/index.html

**LT Governor  I will NOT vote for Bill Finkbeiner, why you ask … well he is endorsed by NARAL http://www.prochoicewashington.org/politicalupdates/voteprochoice.shtml also SEIU


28 Jul


2)My mom and dad

3)My grandparents

4)my father and mother in-law

5)Margaret Thatcher

6)Winston Churchill

7)And countless other brave men and women

Who has influenced you and have you taken the time to thank them?  Take a minute and thank them today. Those who have influenced you are key to your leadership skills and the person you seek to become. Seek out good mentors and read books on great leaders, learn from their mistakes and be encouraged by their creativity and willingness to lead even when it gets hard. Make sure your children have also read books on great men and women leaders
and that you take the time to truly influence them. Our future depends on it.



7 May

Just a quick note as I am out the door to a board meeting. Today shall be interesting for sure. One question I want to ask of all of you, will you remain true to what you know to be right, or will you bow under pressure? It is a question we all must ask of ourselves and one I had to ask of myself this last week. Blessings and I will write more later!

