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28 Oct

4th District  Representative: Matthew Shea

15th District Representative: David Taylor and Bruce Chandler

16th District Representative: Mary Edwards

23rd District Representative: Tony Stephens

35th District Representative: Dan Griffey

38th District Representative position 1 Sam Wilson

39th Disctrict Representative position 2: Elizabeth Scott

42nd District Representative position 1: Jason Overstreet

WA state Treasurer:  Sharon Hanek

Supreme Court Position #9 : Richard Sanders

Public Lands Commissioner: Clint Didier

US Senate :       Senator Michael Baumgartner

State Auditor: James Watkins

LT Governor: Brad Owens

**LT Governor  I will NOT vote for Bill Finkbeiner, why you ask … well he is endorsed by NARAL also SEIU

Referendum measure No. 74 :REJECTED

Initiative  Measure 502 (concerning marijuana) : REJECTED because I do not like the way it is written.

Initiative 1185 : YES requires 2/3rd  legislative majorities to pass taxes or receive voter approval.

Initiative 1240 (charter schools) : REJECT this is very badly written as well and takes away local control and gives it to appointed boards.

I live in Washington’s 15th district but put in several other races in other districts where I personally know the candidates and like where they stand on the issues and their stand for liberty.

*Obama’s “Your first time” ad SICK and DEGRADING TO WOMEN

26 Oct

I would just like to say I am appalled at the Obama campaign’s new ad comparing voting for Obama to the first time a girl has sex. How degrading to women everywhere. I think it is a sad commentary on our nation and culture, on the other hand I pray that media like this would wake women up to the real agenda behind people intent on stripping us of freedom. Notice they aren’t talking about the US constitution or the Bill of Rights. No they decided the time would be better spent telling young women their “first time” should be with a man called Obama. Seriously, have we lost all decorum? I pray that women everywhere realize how they are being used by the leftist agenda intent on taking their rights and their dignity. While  the Obama campaign cries “women need more access to abortion(murder) and free birth control”  in the background and with out much press they are passing NDAA National Defense Authorization Act which includes indefinite detention of citizens ( Republican support it as well) which strips both men and women of our most basic fundamental human rights.

Please take time to really research any candidate you give your vote to, your vote is precious and ladies so are you! You are worth way more than these politicians say you are. It is time for women everywhere to say enough is enough. We are STANDING UP AND PUSHING BACK. We want our Constitutional Republic back for our children and our children’s children.

Please take the time to read our founding documents, read the US constitution, your state’s constitution and the Bill Of Rights. Armed with knowledge we are way more dangerous to tyranny in any form. Once again as the 2012 election draws close I pray you make wise and informed choices and above all please pray for our nation, for with God all things are possible.

For God and Country,